Wimbledon Revisited

An extra blog this week marking the Wimbledon Championship that would have closed out this weekend. Because of Covid-19, apart from WW1 And WW2, this is the only time Wimbledon has been cancelled in peace time.  

And I’ve really missed the tournament this year, it’s like the summer hasn’t really started. Mind you, the weather has been terrible over the past couple of weeks, so it may be have been quite a wash out. 

Thankfully, the BBC have been delighting us with documentaries and replays of the classics in an effort to indulge its loyal fans. It’s been a jolly stroll down nostalgia lane with the low tech score boards, frilly knickers, wooden rackets and crazy hair styles. 

One in particular was a fascinating programme talking to many of the big winners of yesteryear.  And one thing really struck me and feels worth writing about. 

When the tournament was gaining more global interest and we had big players from the US and Eastern Europe, the players rarely had their families with them. Pete Sampras even got quite emosh out it. 

At first, it didn’t make sense to me because I was overlaying today’s culture with the past. 

Thinking with more consideration, back then the prize money was smaller, international travel was not as normal as it is now and the game was not open to as many and varied backgrounds. So, many of the players would have their coach and trainer and that was it.  The players had to battle through largely on their own.  Maybe it wasn’t the done thing to have too many people around you and it might have been seen as a distraction. 

Fast forward to the present and the players have everyone there.  All their no 1 supporters; mum, dad, partner, friends…

Now, they have the whole square squad!!! 

So, is it any wonder these players are so successful, or can bounce back from a defeat. 

It was a reminder that you need people around you.  You can act independently, but I would assert you can only operate to your best when you are part of a group.  Bowing to our natural human tendencies, we work better in tribes and communities. 

Now it’s your turn…

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